Research is an integral part of B.Ed (more particularly M.Ed) programme. The college lays emphasis on the concept of promotion of research and on action research amongst the faculty (and student teachers).
The College encourages higher education in the field of education by providing required relaxation and cooperation and .motivates its teachers to take up research in education by deputing them to attend seminars and workshops, and undertake research studies.
The faculty members doing research are given flexibility in the daily workload. Faculty of B.Ed. programme is motivated to contact and consult their counterpart in the M.Ed. programme
Visits to Maa Shakumbhari University and other sister Institutions are encouraged for consulting the research-guides for research work / creative study.
The college sponsors faculty member for paper presentation in seminars, reimburses the expenditure incurred by them and treats them on duty leave for which there is a standing provision in the College leave rules.
National, international journals and magazines related to research are available in the library for reference. Research material is procured, if proposed by the researchers. Computer and internet facility are placed at their disposal.
Thrust areas of Research
Psychological Tests, Case studies and Action Research are among the thrust areas of the research prioritized by the college. The college puts some thrust for research on the topics of creativity, teacher’s effectiveness and educational management. Besides, the following research themes have also been identified by for undertaking research study by the faculty.
Strategies for promoting multicultural values among learners with diverse backgrounds.
Study on Teacher’s role in the promotion of inclusiveness amongst the students.
An investigation on the causes of illiteracy among rural women.
A study on the depression amongst the teachers serving in rural areas.
An investigation into the reading habits amongst the rural teacher trainees.
Rural women’s perception about their career.
Study on the mental health of the female teacher trainees.
Study on the impact of media on the professionalism of teacher education.
Study on the use of internet for professional growth of teacher trainees.
Study on the attitude of teachers towards adolescent rural women education.
Best Practices in Research.
The college endeavours to improve quality of research, consultancy, and extension activities and adopt new measures for the purpose.
The college encourages its faculty members to engage in research. Some faculty members are actively pursuing courses for acquiring higher degrees.
Action research by students is likewise promoted.
The college makes all out efforts to encourage faculty members to write articles/papers for publication in journals. Papers have been presented at national level.
The college ensures participation of faculty in workshops on research methodology. It promotes its faculty members to participate in education related conferences/ seminars/ workshops by providing required funds and facilities.
Some of the faculty members provide consultancy to some educational institutions on honorary basis.
The college is anxious to perform extension activities and is working with some individuals and organizations
Text book reviews by students are done with the help of experts.
Change in curriculum and new method of teaching informed through National Curriculum Framework was reviewed.
Action Research
Action Research is encouraged among the students as well as among teacher educators. Deen Dayal College organized workshop on Action Research for Teacher Educators to empower and motivate its students.
For conducing Action Research student teachers take up certain problem areas as an ingredient of assessment. They try, for example, to study the cause of indiscipline, absenteeism, mal adjustment and of other similar problems in the schools.
Students use self constructed tools for data collection.
The results of the analysis are discussed with faculties.
The Action Research is done at the school level at the time of the internship. The student teachers select a topic that touches the students of the school. On the selected topic, the student teachers make a survey to find out the facts by interacting with the principal, students, teachers of the school, etc. and analyse the collected data. Brief report on the analysis is prepared and submitted to the college.
The findings have actually led to considerable improvement in the quality of teaching and discipline at the level of practice teaching schools.