Master of Education

Ceritified with UGC-2f, Approved by NCTE & Affiliated to Maa Shakumbhari University
The Master of Education (M.Ed.) programme is meant for preparing a professional cadre of teacher educators, educational researchers, curriculum developers, textbook writers, evaluation experts, guidance and counseling specialists etc.
M.Ed. program prepares students for advanced positions in a variety of educational fields and are not limited to the traditional classroom environment. Generally, M.Ed. program is for those who already hold a B.Ed. degree. Earning your M.Ed. provides you with the opportunity to explore a number of fields of education. Depending on your school of choice, program options/concentrations may include Leadership, Educational psychology, School counseling, Higher education, Economics and policy, Classroom technology, Instructional design, Reading and literacy and Curriculum development.
Norms and Standards for this course.
- Duration & Working days
- Eligibilty
- Admission Procedure
- Fees
- Curriculum, Program Implementation & Assesment
- Syllabus
Detailed Information
Duration and Working Days
Duration: The M.Ed. programme shall be of duration of two academic years including field attachment for a minimum of 4 weeks and research dissertation. Students shall be permitted to complete the programme requirements of the two-year programme within a maximum period of three years from the date of admission to the programme. The summer should be used for field attachment/practicum/other activities.
Working Days
There shall be at least two hundred working days each year, exclusive of the period of admission and inclusive of classroom transaction, practicum, field study and conduct of examination. The institution shall work for a minimum of thirty six hours in a week (five of six days) during which faculty and students concerned with the conduct of the programme shall be available for interaction, dialogue, consultation and mentoring students.
The minimum attendance of students shall be 80% for theory Courses and Practicum, and 90% for Field Attachment.
a) Candidates seeking admission to the M.Ed. programme should have obtained at least 50% marks of an equivalent grade in the following programmes:
I. B.Ed.
II. B.A, B.Ed., B.Sc., B.Ed.
III. B.El.Ed.
IV. D.El.Ed. with an undergraduate degree (with 50% marks in each).
b) Reservation and relaxation for SC/STOBE/PWD and other applicable categories shall be as per the rules of the Central Government/State Government whichever is applicable.
Curriculum, Program Implementation & Assesment
The curriculum of M.Ed. course shall consists theory papers and field based dissertation. There shall be five (5) theory papers and dissertation and viva-voice. There shall be at least 200 working days exclusive of periods of examination and admission etc., for instruction, field work for dissertation and internship in a teacher education institution.Each M.Ed. student will be associated with the supervisors of the internship programme of B.Ed. students, for acquiring experience of organising and supervising internship-in-teaching programme.
The institution shall charge only such fee as prescribed by the affiliating body / state government concerned in accordance with provisions of National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) (Guidelines for regulations of tuition fees and other fees chargeable by unaided teacher education institutions) Regulations, 2002, as amended from time to time.
Admission Procedure
Admission shall be made on merit on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination and/or in the entrance examination or any other selection process as per the policy of the State Government/U.T. Administration and the University.
The Syllabus for 2 year M.Ed. Course can be downloaded here