Basic Training Certificate

Approved by NCTE & Affiliated to SCERT, Allahabad
Deen Dayal P.G. College offers two year Basic Training Certificate Course (B.T.C.) also known as Diplama in Elementry Education (D.El.Ed.) that is approved by the National Council for Teachers' Education, New Delhi(N.C.T.E.) and State Council for Educational Research and Training, Allahabad, U.P. (S.C.E.R.T.). This teacher education programme aims at preparing teachers for the elementary stage of education, that is, classes I-VIII. The elementary teacher is called upon to engage with children of 6-14 years in a variety of socio-cultural contexts. The purpose of engagement is to facilitate children’s learning and development, for which the teacher must have thorough understanding of the child and his process of learning and development and also of problems and rights of children. Needless to say that the teacher is expected to develop the requisite understandings through his/her own observation, experimentation and reflection.
It is not an easy job being a teacher. This is a profession full of great responsibilities and challenges. One has to receive years of training and experience to become a teacher. The conduct of the teacher can motivate or demoralize the students. He plays a hugely influential role in the lives of young kids. Because of the accountabilities associated with this job, one must be adequately trained for the job. This Teacher’s training program has been created for that very purpose.
Norm and Standars for this course.
- Duration & Working days
- Eligibilty
- Admission Procedure
- Fees
- Curriculum, Program Implementation & Assesment
- Syllabus
Detailed Information
Duration and Working Days
Duration: The B.T.C. programme shall be of a duration of two academic years. However, the students shall be permitted to complete the programme requirements within a maximum of three years from the date of admission to the programme.
Working Days
(a) There shall be at least two hundred working days each year exclusive of the period of examination and admission.
(b) The institution shall work for a minimum of thirty six hours in a week (five or six days), during which physical presence in the institution of all the teachers and student teachers is necessary to ensure their availability for advice, guidance, dialogue and consultation as and when needed.
(c) The minimum attendance of student-teachers shall have to be 80% for all course work and practicum, and 90% for school internship.
(a) Candidates with at least fifty percent marks in higher secondary(+2) or its equivalent examination are eligible for admission to the programme.
(b) The reservation and relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD and other categories shall be as per the rules of the Central Government / State Government, whichever is applicable.
Curriculum, Program Implementation & Assesment
The Program shall comprise of compulsary and optional theory courses; compulsary practicum courses; and comprehensive school internship. The theory and practicum courses shall be assigned a weightage in the proportion determined by the affiliating body. It shall be in broad alignment with the National curriculum Framework for Teacher Education, While contextualizing it for the state or region concerned. ICT, gender, Yoga Education and disability inclusive education shall form an intergral part of B.T.C. curriculum.
The institution shall charge only such fee as prescribed by the affiliating body / state government concerned in accordance with provisions of National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) (Guidelines fop regulations of tuition fees and other fees chargeable by unaided teacher education institutions) Regulations, 2002, as amended from time to time.
Admission Procedure
Admission shall be made on merit on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination and/or in the entrance examination or any other selection process as per the policy of the State Government/U.T. Administration and the University.
The Syllabus for 2 year B.T.C. Course can be downloaded here.