
a) Faculty Development Programme & Research Cell: The Cell was established by the Management to promote research and empower the faculty by extending required facilities for attending seminars, etc. and organizing lectures for empowerment. It is composed of convenor, two members from the faculty and two experts. The function of this committee is to encourage the faculty and students for research work in different dimensions of education.
The cell meets twice a year.
b) Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC): IQAC is a Six-member forum that was established in 2009 to sensitize on and respond to the changing educational, social and market demands.
c) Programme Advisory Committee (PAC): The PAC is composed of Principal, two faculty members, two experts from outside, one principal of the neighbourhood school, one student and two representatives of the Alumni. Principal of the college heads the Cell.
PAC meets thrice in a year.
(i) First meeting is held prior to the commencement of the Academic Session to formulate the academic calendar.
(ii) The second meeting known as mid-term appraisal meeting, takes place in the middle of the academic session.
(iii) The third meeting is held at the end of the session to take stock of all the developments that took place during the year.
d) Sexual Harassment & Anti-Ragging Committee: In the history of the college no incident of anti ragging or sexual harassment has ever surfaced. Vigil is tight and constant.
The committee meets twice a year.
(i) First meeting is held prior to the commencement of the Academic Session to formulate the rules regarding the safety of the students.
(ii). The second meeting is held at the end of the session to review the cases (if any) regarding the problems of the students. In between its patrolling unit does the work.
e) Guidance and counselling Committee: The Guidance and Counselling Committee is headed by a senior faculty. It organizes various guidance services like orientation programme for freshers on the start of every new academic session. It organizes pre-practice teaching guidance and counselling services to the teacher trainees regarding their practice–teaching.
f) Annual Calendar and Time Table Committee: The committee develops time table and annual calendar on the basis of workload policy and curricular requirements and in the context of the university calendar.
The committee meets twice a year.
g) Discipline Committee: The discipline committee is composed of convenor and two faculty members. It is assigned the task of ensuring smooth functioning and maintaining discipline in the college.
The Committee meets thrice a year and as and when the situation demands.
(i) First meeting is held prior to the commencement of the Academic Session to decide the distribution of duties & responsibilities to the faculty members for maintaining discipline.
(ii) The second meeting takes place during mid-session to take actions, if so required.
(iii) The third meeting is held at a suitable time to discuss and decide about the discipline during conduct of tests and examination.
h) Examination Committee: It is composed of a convenor and two faculty members. The function of this committee is to take decision on activities related to examinations.
The present committee meets thrice a year.
(i) First meeting is held prior to the commencement of the Academic Session for distribution of duties & responsibilities among the faculty members.
(ii) The second meeting takes place before commencement of examinations. (iii) The third meeting is held as per need.
i) Sports Committee: Composed of convenor and four members, the committee plans and organizes sports activities and competition for physical development of the students.
Sports committee meets thrice a year
(i) first meeting of sports committee is held in the beginning of the session for reviewing status of sports facilities,
(ii) second meeting is held during mid-session for the organization of intra-college competition, and
(iii) third meeting is held before the year-end examinations for the organization of sports week.
j) Admissions Committee: The committee is composed of convenor and two members from the faculty. The function of this committee is to facilitate and supervise the process of admissions.
Admissions committee meets thrice a year:
(i) The first meeting of the committee is held before the process of admission starts at the university level,
(ii) second meeting is held after the University advertisement appears in the media, and
(iii) the third meeting is held before the process of admission starts at the level of college.
k) Library Committee: The Committee is composed of convenor and two members from the faculty and two student members. The function of this committee is to take care of the needs and functioning of the library.
It meets not less than twice in an academic year.
l) Grievance Redressal Committee: The Grievance Redressal Committee is composed of convenor and two members each from the faculty and student community. The function of the committee is to settle the grievances of the students.
The committee meets twice a year and as and when required.
m) Magazine & Newsletter Committee: The Magazine & Newsletter Committee is composed of convenor and two members each from the faculty and student community. The function of this committee is to take decisions on the matters concerning publications by students.
The committee meets once/twice a year in the month of December/February.
n) Maintenance & Campus Development Committee: The Committee is composed of convenor and two members from the faculty. The function of the committee is to take decisions related to the development of the campus and to ensure proper maintenance of entire physical infrastructure of the college.
It meets not less than twice a year.
o) Alumni Cell: The Alumni Cell is composed of convenor and two members from the faculty. The function of the committee is to establish contacts with and maintain the records of alumni.
Alumni Cell meets once a year generally in the last month of the academic year for getting feedback from alumni and for creating funds for scholarship and for awarding meritorious students.
p) Placement Committee: The placement Committee is composed of convenor and two members from the faculty. The function of this committee is to provide the placement services through counselling and maintaining record.
q) Co-Curricular & Cultural Activity Committee: The CCA is composed of convenor and two members each from the faculty and student community. The function of this committee is to plan, co-ordinate and organize co curricular activities.
CCA meets thrice a year.
(i) First meeting is held prior to the commencement of the Academic Session, to select the convenor and members for committee.
(ii) The second meeting takes place after the commencement of the session to decide about overall co-curricular activities to be held throughout the year.
(iii) The third meeting is held to finalise matters concerning annual day.
r) Purchase Committee: The Purchase Committee is composed of convenor and two members from the faculty. The function of this committee is to decide the mode and manner of making purchases at competitive prices without compromising on quality, and ensuring that the supplied items meet the required specifications as ordered.
The committee meets on as and when required basis.
s) Teachers Welfare Committee: The teachers welfare Committee is composed of convenor and two members from the faculty. The function of this committee is to take decision related to the welfare of the faculty members.
t) Students Council: Students Council consists of two elected student representatives and a faculty member who acts as adviser –convenor. The council meets at least twice a year.
u) Students Welfare Committee: The Students Welfare Committee is composed of convenor and two members from the faculty and two student members. The function of this committee is to work for the welfare of the students.
Students welfare committee meets thrice a year.
(i) First meeting is held soon after the commencement of the Academic Session.
(ii) The second meeting takes place two months after the first meeting for identifying the needy students with a view to provide them with relevant help and for organizing blood donation camp to develop community sense among students.
(iii) The third meeting is held in the month of February.